How to Recognize Signs of BFRBs in Children and Use CBT Techniques to Address Them

Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs) is often used as an umbrella term to describe repetitive and compulsive behaviors, which is also known as habit disorder. The condition, which is often associated with Tic Disorders (TD), presents in three distinct categories including trichotillomania, excoriation, and onychophagia. In the case of trichotillomania, the person engages in hair pulling, […]

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Importance of Exercising Your Mental Health: How Going to Therapy is Like Going to the Gym

Maintaining physical health is often a primary goal among adults in the United States. Many individuals emphasize the importance of exercise and attempt to implement physical activity routines into their busy lives. However, fewer individuals give much thought to the concept of exercising their mental health, which can be as important as exercising their physical […]

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The New Age of Connecting in Therapy Through Telehealth

Older woman on a video call on a laptop

Change and new advances in technology are often exciting and full of the opportunity to create new connections on many levels. Think of social media and Instagram and how wonderful it is to connect daily to people whose interests one shares. Fortunately, many therapists have embraced the opportunity that technology offers in the form of […]

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