Clearing Your Mind of Mental Clutter

We know we’re living in a state of constant information overload and we are more than aware that the pace of life has accelerated; what we might not know, however, is how this might affect each of us individually and exactly what we can do to alleviate our own associated stress. The sad truth of living in a state of information overload within a fast-paced world is we’ve forgotten how to create and maintain boundaries in our lives. We’re always “on”, a phone call/text/e-mail away, and very rarely (maybe never) in a place which is immune to information overload. Some signs our minds need decluttering include: forgetfulness, difficulty retaining information, sleep disturbance, panic/anxiety, and many more. Though it may be tempting to abandon your phone and computer, that solution is likely unrealistic and it’s possible to address the above issues and improve overall well-being while remaining “connected”. Over time, you can teach yourself to tend toward decluttering automatically. Some simple steps to begin training yourself can be found below.

Declutter your space. Physical (home and workspace) clutter has now been linked to heightened anxiety in children and adults. A decluttered space will support focus and overall productivity.

Focus on the task at hand. Ask yourself “what can I do about this right now” and avoid the temptation to multi-task.

Make a list. Better on paper than floating in the traffic jammed highway in your mind, right? Write down a thought or to-do list item on a piece of paper to encourage focusing on the task in front of you (for example, your ability to sleep when your thoughts come piling in at 2am). Some find it helpful to place a notepad next to the bed to record late night thoughts. If you’re ambitious, try a daily “brain dump” and jot down anything/everything on your mind. At least, you’ll have a nice to-do list to visit when you’re ready; at best, you’ll begin the highly therapeutic practice of journaling!

Take a break. Try meditation, taking a walk, grounding by focusing on your senses, or try a new activity which doesn’t allow for information bombardment, and make an effort to attain the calm and quiet you deserve.

Talk it out. Talk to someone about what you’re experiencing. If you feel it’s time to seek professional help, we’re here to join you on your path toward wellness.

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